The article from Nursing in Practice connects owerweight women older than 36 and obese women older than 43 to have higher risk of hysterectomy than other categories of women. Quoting from the article:
The study, published in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, also found women who experience large gains in weight between 36 and 53 also have a greater chance of needing a hysterectomy in later life.
The journal’s editor in chief, Professor Philip Steer, said: “There are many health difficulties associated with obesity and the study shows that, particularly after the age of 36, being overweight or obese can be linked to hysterectomy in later life.
However, this is not an absolute truth and in each case there will be small differences… so what’s the point in such explorations and generalizations!? The woman may be owerweight because her pituitary gland is not working properly, which on one side will produce retention of water in the organism, and on the other side, will often produce gynecological problems. There might be something in these findings, but in the end, the healing must be individualized.