TR align="left"> Polycystic Ovarian Disease Laparoscopy Video

Polycystic Ovarian Disease Laparoscopy Video

This polycystic ovarian disease laparoscopy video shows a procedure called ovarian drilling. In the video, the right side ovary is being held by a forceps, while the instrument with a very fine needle is being brought to the ovary. The needle carries electric current, which destroys small portions of the ovary. It must be done with precision and it takes a skilled laparoscopic surgeon to do that. To be a good candidate for the procedure, the woman must have a bit larger ovaries.

If done right, the procedure will bring ovulation back to the patient within a few months, and some 50% of the patients have a good chance of getting pregnant within a year. The risk of ovarian drilling is that scar tissue on the ovary may form. Also, in many cases, the effect will last only for a couple of months. If the patient had already had increased hair growth and loss of scalp hair, the ovarian drilling will not help with these at all.

For more videos, visit our main hysterectomy video page; for more information on PCOS, please see the page on polycystic ovarian disease.

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