Links and Resources for How To Avoid
Here are the links of the sites I like in my niche.
My astrology site, for self develpment with astrology and energy
Angela Bailey
Hypnosis with Angela Bailey, Olympian Silver Medalist at L.A. Olympic
Games. Hypnosis helped her gain the titles and respect, and now
she pays back, by helping people in dire need.
My video site on astrology. You won't be able to
understand much since it is in Serbian, my mother's tongue.
Jose Bolano MD
A surgeon who produces excellent videos on practical gynecology
and posts them on YouTube. You can see some of his works from
the hysterectomy videos page
on this site.
and Chinese
An excellent site on basic notions of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Links emotions to organs and bodily systems, as well as ways to
heal them through acupuncture and herbs.
Herbalist introduces medicinal herbs and herbal remedies in a holistic
way with traditional benefits, clinically supported benefits, dosage
and phytochemistry, side effects and interactions, herb pictures
and herbal research. The modern herbal medicine approach is balanced
with holistic approach of ayurveda.
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