Ablation For Submucous Leiomyoma Video
This is an endometrial
ablation for submucous leiomyoma video, performed
on a woman 41 of age. (Leiomyoma or myoma for short, is tumor of
uterine muscle, usually called fibroid.) The woman was diagnosed
with unresponsive menorrhagia; menorrhagia stands
for "excessive bleeding", and unresponsive menorrhagia
usually leads to a hysterectomy, because the doctors start thinking
that nothing can save the day. Operative hysterescopy enables one
to avoid hysterectomy by controlling the conditions of uterine
In this case, the surgeon is Jose Bolanos,
MD. His
chose operative hysteroscopy, using an electrical
loop. The electricity in the loop removes the segments of the fibroid.
Removing the fibroid is done in little steps,
because the loop is small and can only cut away small parts one
at a time. Once the largest part of the fibroid is removed, Mr.
Bolanos proceeds with another instrument, GyneCare VersaPoint,
which is a bipolar cuttery instrument to finish the cauterization
and endometrial ablation of the uterine cavity.
In the end, the entire endometrium is removed
and there will be no more bleeding for this patient.
For other videos see our main page on hysterectomy
video. For other techniques, see the main page on endometrial
from Endometrial
Ablation For Submucous Leiomyoma Video to the home page of How
To Avoid Hysterectomy.com.