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Endometrial or uterine ablation.

Cryo Ablation

Cryo ablation for avoiding hysterectomy (sometimes misspelled as: cryo oblation, cryoablation, cryo-ablation) is the procedure of exterminating the endometrium of the uterus by means of a cryo procedure -- by inducing coldness into the womb.

The idea in itself is not new: dermatologists and primary care doctors have used cryogenic devices since the beginning of the 20th century to treat warts, pre-cancerous and malignant lesions.

Main Advantages

. It is minimally invasive with minimal post-operative discomfort.

. Very rapid recovery.

. Minimal complication rate.

. Is as effective as either modalities.

. Can be repeated if the conditions warrant it...

. The cryogenic corruption probe is officialy approved by the FDA.

Cryo Ablation for the Uterus

This is destroying the lining of the uterus through cryogenics, the extreme cold. Just as with other types of uterine ablation, this can reduce or eliminate menstrual bleeding. You would still need to take a birth control pill or apply contraception in general. If the lining is not completely destroyed, there is a small chance of geting pregnant, and such pregnancy must be stopped.

Cryo ablation is an alternative to hysterectomy, and if it works, you will have your problem solved, without a hysterectomy. You will know about 3-4 months after the surgery, whether the bleedings decreased to a tolerable level or not.

The Procedure

Your doctor may prescribe the medications to thin the lining of the uterus, usually 21-28 days before the procedure. In certain cases, you will not be allowed to eat from midnight the night before the procedure.

The doctor may decide to sedate you. He or she will monitor the procedure through the ultrasound machinery. A wand connected to the cryogenic machine will be inserted into your uterus and gently cooled down. If eferything is OK, you will go home within hours of the procedure. It would be best if somebody drove you home.

The Risks of Cryo Ablation

Call your physician in case of

  • fever,
  • bowel or bladder problems,
  • a greenish or foul smelling vaginal discharge,
  • nausea and/or vomiting.

In rare cases, the procedure may leave you with

  • infection,
  • ruptured uterus (hole in the uterus), and
  • freezing of internal organs adjacent to the uterus.

Also rarely, there may be problems with blood:

  • excesive loss of it,
  • hemorrhagia,
  • collection of blood and/or tissue in the uterus or Fallopian tubes.

What Cryo Ablation of the Uterus is Not Suitable For

If you want to have children, don't go for cryo or any other ablation, or for that matter, for any surgical procedure of the uterus and related organs. Cryo ablation is also not for cases of endometrial hyperplasia, which is an increased number of cells in the uterus, and neither is it suitable for adenocarcinoma of the endometrium (endometrial cancer).

Cryo ablation may be used to treat cancers of prostate in men, but currently is not used to treate cancer in uterus.

Post-operative Course

You should expect mild cramps, bloody or watery vaginal discharge for 7-10 days. No harder physical activity and no sexual intercourse for at least a week or two. Consult with your physician for all the details after the intervention.

Click here for the more general description of endometrial or uterine ablation. In the rest of this page we shall briefly touch upon the other uses of cryo ablation.

Cryo Ablation for Heart Problems

This techniques is an important new addition for treatments of heart, especially for arrhythmia. The advantage of cryo ablation for heart patients is that doctors can test the place to put catheter on before actually doing the operation.

Cryo Ablation for Liver Cancer and Tumors

Cryo ablation might come very handy in treatments of inoperable tumors such as cancer of liver. The problem with this deep probing is that the catheter must be put exactly in the center of tumour, which an unreliable procedure without visual guidance in real time. However, in combination with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) surgeon can pinpoint the right spot in real time and actually see how the snowball in the tumor grows. Results are positive so far, but the whole technique is so rarely done that many independent studies must be made in order for it to become routinely accepted.

Cryo Ablation For the Prostate Cancer

In prostate cancer, cryo therapy can also be performed. It seems to be a fairly efficient procedure in itself, but it takes a lot of times for doctors to learn it and the hospital must have specialized equipment. For instance, cryo ablation for cancer of prostate is done by inserting very fine needles in to the prostate, then freezing it by argon gas, down to -40 degrees C. The freezing is constantly monitored by ultrasound.

Cancer of Kidneys

The standard treatment for kidney cancer is by conventional or laparoscopic method. The tumor must be fairly small (less than 4 cm in size) and the optimal scenario is to discover the tumour while doing an ultrasound for something else. Following the usual post-surgery rules, you can be "up and running" within a few days from the surgery, returning to the full physical activity approximately after two weeks.

Cancer of Esophagus

Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease (GERD) changes the lower part of the esophagus, and makes it suspectible for further cancer growths. In the USA only, there may 4.5 up to 7.5 millions of people possibly endangered by this. The cancer of esophagus is known to progress rapidly, so any means of eliminating it in the start out phase is important.

Cryo ablation may also be used in cancer of esophagus, to remove so-called Barett's cells, which are precancerous and cancerous cells in the esophagus. Once removed, normal cells can grow in their place. This cryo technique delivers cryo-material via a catheter, which is introduced into the esophagus through an accessory channel of an upper gastrointestinal endoscope. The freezing then removes the abnormal cells. The advantage of using cryo device in conjunction with the endoscope is that the surgeon can see exactly wher to put it, without direct mucosal contact. The whole procedure for esophagus takes about five minutes.

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