Vibropathy -- Healing with Complex Mixtures of Homeopathic and Other
In classical homeopathy, one and only one remedy is chosen to
cover all the symptoms (or as many of the symptoms that is possible
to cover). Since it is difficult to find such a remedy, practitioners
started mixing homeopathic remedies, often with great success.
There are various schools of "mixing" and vibropathy is one of
them. It combines pure homeopathic remedies with nosodes, radionics
rates, flower remedies etc. and the resulting therapies are often
both easy to find and efficient in healing.
The idea of healing with mixtures is magnificently executed in
a system of healing called vibrionics or vibropathy. It consists
of a radionics machine with no rates but with cards only. Inside
the machine is a strong magnet, it reads the information from
the card with a special ink on it and transforms it into a vibration
on a remedy carrier, which may be globules of sugar, water, alcohol
and the like.
the main vibropathy
site concentrate
on the menu on the left side, from there you will be able to
extract the information about vibropathy. Click on SRHVP on the
main menu to see the manual and the instructions in using the
SAI RAM potentizer. From that page click on List of Remedies
to get the list of all remedies in the system. You'll have to wait a bit more for the page to download since it
is one enormous table. There are 576 cards, some with only one remedy
on it, the others with dozens of remedies on themselves. On each
card there is a recommended potency. You are free to change the
potency on any card but you should not do it since the whole system
functions best when left as it is.
Used In Vibropathy
cards have numbers from 1 to 576. Most of the cards have label SR
in front of the number, say SR537 Uterus, while others are prefixed
by groups. The first group is NM, Narayani Mixtures, with 117 remedies.
Other important groups with their own prefixes are
-- balance remedies, all in potency of 50M
-- Soham remedies, in various potencies
-- organ remedies, ali in potency of CM.
the page on the above address you will see many other groups: organs,
all Bach Flower Remedies, chakras, meridians, gems, tissue salts,
specific diseases, single homeopathic remedies etc.
are free to combine any card with any other card. If, for instance,
you have problems with eyes take two cards, NM 17 Eyes and NM 36
War, and you will automatically get all the following remedies:
17 Eyes (all remedies in potency 200C)
Nitricum; Chelidonium; Euphrasia; Muscular (the frequency of muscles);
Onosmodium; Phosphorus; Physostigma; Ruta
36 War (potency 1M)
Belladonna; Gunpowder; Cortisone; Streptococcus; Staphillococcus;
Pyrogenium; Kali Phos
these two cards would solve the problem of inflammed eyes, that
is, Conjunctivitis (pink eye). Vibropathy Is Easy To Use
is made for beginners and non-doctors alike. It comes from India,
where true doctors are really rare compared to the number of
people living over there. This system is used from the 1990's,
and is best accepted in Eastern countries of Europe, Middle and
Far East.
system is easy enough for anyone to use. There is a large manual
with therapies for all common diseases, you just have to read
it and make a remedy or a set of remedies. In average, it would
take you from 10 minutes to half an hour to make your own remedy
or remedies.
Removing Uterine Fibroids with Vibropathy
Here is the therapy:
SR249 Medorrhinum 1M
dose, repeat in two weeks.
SR318 Thuja 30C
SR318 Thuja 200C
#2) TDS for five days in a row; then give remedy #3). Repeat after
two weeks. Herem, TDS means "three times a day".
NM56 Menses bleeding TDS for a month, increase frequency while bleeding.
NM23 Menses irregular
TDS after the myoma is expelled from the body.
NM16 Drawing + SM2 Divine protection 10M + SR264 Silicea 30C + SR274
Aur Mur Nat 4X + SR537 Uterus + SR255 Calc Sulph + OM24 Female genital
+ NM36 War + BR16 Female + SM21 Female
be taken 6DS (six times a day), decrease to TDS when the myom starts
coming out. (The potency for SM2 Divine protection is 10M instead
of 200C, which was deduced by the use of pendulum.)
NM2 Blood + OM1 Blood + BR1 Anaemia + SR361 Acetic Acid + SR494
for three months
case was successfully closed within a month.
See the
links for astrohomeopathy
case of uterine fibroids and homeopathic
treatment for uterine fibroids to see how the case unfolded in
time, and why.
Vibropathy -- Pro et Contra 1) You can make your own remedies, at home or elsewhere. You save
both on the cost of buying the remedies and on the costs of transportation.
is a huge saving potential.
The potencies are already delineated for you, but you can change
them if you want to. You can make any remedy in any potency,
from 1X up to 10MM.
This is a complete system, nothing is left out. There are cards
(i.e. remedies) for all parts of the body. By combining them you
can describe the situation as if in a programming language and administer
the appropriate combination.
No electric power is needed for the vibropathy machine, you can
use it anywhere.
This system of healing you can obtain from one and only one source.
If they do not want to sell you the machine and the cards, you cannot
do anything about it.
Although you pay for the machine, you are forbidden to make money
with it. When getting the machine, you must sign how many hours
per week will you use the machine for healing and for free.
If you do not want to bother with healing as such and just want
to be healed, you can try to obtain a list of healers nearby,
in your country. Not
that, even
if you get the list of local SAI RAM healers, it may not mean you
will get the healing you need.
Just as any other radionics device, the vibropathy machine can
send healing through space (distant
healing). You can heal someone in the hospital, in coma on
another continent, or even in the same room where the machine is,
it doesn't matter at all where the recipient is. A steady flow
of energy is coming to him or her. This is similar to Reiki,
except that in Reiki you can direct the energy through the time
as well.
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