Uterine Prolapse
Many women have milder symptoms of uterine prolapse throughout a larger part of life but think it is normal, and rarely go to the doctor for medical evaluation.
The uterus is normally attached to the pelvic floor. However, the supportive muscles and ligaments can wear and tear during life, allowing the uterus, the bladder or both to "fall" down to the vagina. The reasons for prolapse may be one or more of the following:
-- giving birth to large babies, or difficult labor and delivery in general,
-- aging,
-- less estrogen than usual (as in menopause), which weakens the tissues,
-- additional weight or obesity,
-- frequent coughing, say from too much smoking,
-- chronic constipation and the straining to move bowels.
Symptoms of Uterine Prolapse
Some of the more important symptoms of uterine prolapse may be:
-- Heaviness or pulling down in the pelvis.
-- Backache.
-- Intercourse painful or outright impossible, involuntary leaking during the intercourse, no orgasm.
-- Pain in the vagina, pelvis, lower back, lower abdomen, groin. As if the whole abdomen will fall out.
-- Frequent urge to urinate, with or without actual urinating.
-- Difficult bowel movements.
-- Moist discharge from vagina.
Uterine Prolapse Video
This is a bit shocking video, because the uterine prolapse shown is TOTAL.
Levels of Protrusion
There are three levels of protrusion:
-- mild prolapse, when the cervix protrudes into the lower part of vagina,
-- moderate prolapse, when the cervix passes through the vaginal opening,
-- severe prolapse, when the entire uterus passes through the vaginal opening.
Additional terms of interest are:
-- cystocele, the falling of the bladder and the front wall of vagina; may produce urinary tract infections with or without other urinary symptoms;
-- rectocele, the rectum and the back wall of vagina fall into vaginal space. May complicate into constipation and hemorrhoids.
Theoretically, but quite rarely, a tumor could be the reason for protrusion.
Treatment for Uterine Prolapse
One idea is to insert a physical object to hold the uterus in place. It takes a form of a ring and is called a pessary. Pessaries come in many shapes and sizes, and the treatment is individual. The results vary. For some women, that is all there is to it, while for many others, a pessary may be plain unusable. It may cause abnormal smelling discharge, inflammation and ulcers, or irritate the vaginal mucosa. It may also limit the depth of penetration during sexual intercourse. Often, pessary will need to be cleaned, which may require periodically visiting the doctor.
Surgical treatment is possible, but should be delayed as much as possible, particularly if the woman still plans to have children. If the uterus is to be preserved, sacral colpoplexy may be of interest, which is binding the uterus back with a surgical mesh (yet another way to avoid hysterectomy!).
If all other circumstances are right, a case of severe prolapse tends to be resolved through hysterectomy. Vaginal hysterectomy may also be an option.
Astrological Conditions for Uterine Prolapse
In astrology, the conditions for the prolapsus of the womb are:
-- afflictions in Scorpio,
-- diseases of Scorpio type,
-- the Moon, Saturn, Mars or Venus afflicted in Scorpio,
-- subluxation at 5L,
-- 2nd degree of Scorpio: uterus,
-- 3 Scorpio: the right side of the uterus,
-- 4 Scorpio: the left side of the uterus,
-- 5 Scorpio: uterine cavity,
-- 18 Scorpio: ligaments of the uterus,
-- mid-point of SO/ME: binding tissues.
You can see a more complete case of prolapsed uterus here.
Homeopathic Remedies for Uterine Prolapse
Depending on the state of the organs, homeopathic treatment can be quite effective. Remedies such as Arnica, Sepia, Fraxinus Excelsior ("homeopathic pessary"), Paladium, Murex etc. should be studied and taken, either as a constitutional remedy or as a mixture. Other remedies for prolapsus uteri could be: Aesc. h., Sec, Plat, Bell, Lill. t., Nux Vom, Nux Mos, Pod., Pul.
It seems Su Jok could be useful for cases of uterine prolapse, but we need hard evidence that it would really be so.
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