Uterine Ablation
Uterine ablation is ablation of the uterus. The term "ablation" means scraping, so uterine ablation would be scraping the interior part of the uterus, away. This interior part is called endometrium, and is the place in which fertilised egg grows to form a new baby. Every month woman's body is expecting one (or more) such eggs, and if it is not coming, the new lining that grows from the endometrium comes off, and the woman has menstruation or menstrual cycle. Menstruation should finish within several days, and there should be less and less blood towards the end. Unfortunately, if there is too much blood life can become unbearable. In some cases, women have heavy menstrual bleedings for ten days in a row!, which is quite debilitating and ruining lifestyles. It is no fun when you have to give up your job because you cannot go out to the street for several days in row. When that happens, go straight to the doctor, probably not GP (General Practice) but an ob-gyn -- a gynecologist. The doctor will have ways to examine you and suggest what next. Medical term for profuse bleeding is metrorrhagia. A Video For Uterine AblationPrior to the 1990's, the only solution would be hysterectomy, surgical removal of the uterus and/or ovaries, but now there are many ways to avoid hysterectomy. One of the most popular is uterine ablation, surgical removal of endometrium. Actually, the procedure is better known as the endometrial ablation instead of uterine ablation (sometimes even called the "uterus ablation"). In order to get a feeling for these gynecological procedures, visit the hysterectomy video page, where you will be able to choose from 20-odd videos; you'll become expert in not time at all. Return from Uterine Ablation to the home page of www.how-to-avoid-hysterectomy.com. |