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Reason For Hysterectomy

From the medical standpoint of view, the usual reason for hysterectomy is one of the following illnesses or states:

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding As the Reason For Hysterectomy

Excessive uterine bleeding, called menorrhagia, can lead to anemia (low blood iron count), fatigue, and contribute to missed days at work or school. Menorrhagia is generally defined as bleeding that lasts longer than seven days or saturates more than one pad per hour for several hours. Please have a look at the page on how to stop heavy menstrual bleeding, on this site.

Irregular uterine bleeding, called metrorrhagia, can also occur in women with menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia is defined as bleeding or spotting that occurs at times other than during the expected menstrual period.

Menorrhagia and metrorrhagia are generally treated first with medication or other surgical alternatives to hysterectomy. However, abnormal uterine bleeding that does not improve with conservative treatments may require hysterectomy.

Fibroids As the Reason For Hysterectomy

Fibroids (also known as leiomyoma) are noncancerous growths of uterine muscle that occur in up to one-third of all women. Fibroids may become larger during pregnancy, and typically shrink after menopause. They may cause excessive and irregular vaginal bleeding. Here is the list of pages on fibroids on this site:

Astrology of the fibroids

Herbal remedies for uterine fibroids

Homeopathic treatment for uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids

Pelvic Organ Prolapse As the Reason For Hysterectomy

Pelvic organ prolapse occurs due to stretching and weakening of the pelvic muscles and ligaments. This allows the uterus to fall (or prolapse) into the vagina. It is usually associated with pregnancy, vaginal childbirth, genetic factors, chronic constipation, or lifestyle factors (repeated heavy lifting over the lifetime). Please have a look at the following pages on this site:

Prolapsed uterus

Uterine prolapse

Cervical Abnormalities As the Reason For Hysterectomy

Precancer or carcinoma in situ (CIN 3) of the cervix that does not resolve after other procedures (such as cone biopsy, laser or cryosurgery) may require hysterectomy.

Uterine cancer

Uterine sarcoma

Endometrial Hyperplasia As the Reason For Hysterectomy

Endometrial hyperplasia is the term used to describe excessive growth of the endometrium (the tissue that lines the uterus). It can sometimes lead to endometrial cancer. Although endometrial hyperplasia can often be treated with medication, a hysterectomy is sometimes needed or preferred to medical therapy.

Chronic Pelvic Pain As the Reason For Hysterectomy

Chronic pelvic pain can be due to the effects of endometriosis or scarring (adhesions) in the pelvis and between pelvic organs. However, pelvic pain can also be caused by other sources, including the gastrointestinal and urinary systems. It is important for a woman with pelvic pain to ask about the probability that her pain will improve after hysterectomy.

Endometriosis As the Reason For Hysterectomy

Endometriosis occurs when the uterine lining or endometrium grows outside the uterus, usually on the surface of pelvic organs. In very rare cases, endometrial tissue was found on lungs, and even in brain!

The main problem is that the endometrial tissue continues to follow the hormonal changes in the body, but cannot go anywhere. That causes pain, infertility, heavy periods, severe cramps, intestinal pain, pain during or after sex and so on. In the body, "endo" (as it is often shorthened) can cause bumps, nodules and scar tissue... also a cause of pain.

For a further study of endometriosis from two unusual angles, please see:

Endometriosis and homeopathy

Endometriosis in the natal chart

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease As the Reason For Hysterectomy

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD for short), and it is an infection of the upper genital tract caused by bactria that migrate from tre vagina or cervix the fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus. Two of the most common bacteria are gonorrhea and chlamydia, although many more can be present in each particular case.

Intrauterine Adhesions As the Reason For Hysterectomy

Intrauterine adhesions are car tissue within the uterus. Adhesions can cause the following:

lighter than normal menstrual periods,

absent periods,



One of the main reasons for avoiding hysterectomy, or any other significant gynecological surgery for that matter, is that in 90% of such cases, additional adhesions occur. This can lead to infertility, pelvic pain and bowel obstruction, as well as to the inability to carry the pregnancy to the term.

Severe Menstrual Pain As the Reason For Hysterectomy

Dysmenorrhea is when you have a menstrual pain so harsh that you cannot go on with the usual daily activities. Pain while menstruating is the most common gynecological problem amonst the menstruating women. There are two types of dysmenorrhea, primary and secondary. Primary dysmenorrhea is due to prostaglandins, the hormones of the uterus and cervix. They force the uterus to contract, causing the pain.

The pain can also be due to the stretching of the cervix, while the blood clots are passing towards the vagina.

Secondary dysmenorrhea may be due to the presence of endometriosis, fibroids, PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), ectopic pregnancy or IUD (Intra Uterine Device) use. Other factors that bring on severe menstrual pain can be

a family history of severe menstrual pain,


drinking alcohol while menstruating, as well as

being overweight.

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