Astrology Report vs. Horoscope Delineation
Astrology reports give you a detailed astrological analysis of one
or more parts of your life. There are many types of reports, from
the most general ones to the very specific, such as "fatherhood",
"gynecological illnesses" etc. They are usually computer generated
and there are many sites that offer these reports for next to nothing,
or even for free.
can divide these reports into two groups, when only one person is
involved and when there are two persons involved. Here are the types
of chart for one person:
midpoints chart,
Uranian charts.
chart is the alpha and omega of all astrology, but to predict the
future often the progressed and solar charts are needed. If one and
the same token is recognized in all the three charts, say divorce,
pregnancy, surgery etc. then it is practically mandatory that such
a thing should manifest in the real world.
Astrology Reports for Two Persons
These reports require two sets of natal
data, but then they can generate accurate info on the particular relationship,
be it personal, marrital, sexual, business partnership, parent/child
situtation, friends or anything else in between:
composite chart,
time / space midpoint chart.
these three charts speak volumes about the interplay of two natal
charts. In 99% of cases, it will be about love, sex, marriage or
divorce and breaking away. In the 1% rest of cases, it can be about
business aspect of a partnership, about living in this or that country
(then your chart and the chart of that country would be compared)
have specialized in composite charts because they hold the essence
of the relationship. If the composite chart says that the relation
will break up, it most certainly will. If you are unsure whether
to break up or to hold a bit longer waiting for better times to
show up, contact me for a reading over the Internet.
Transits -- Astrological Reports for Mapping the Future
To you, the moment you came to this planet
is the most momentous event in your life, but the Earth, the planets,
the stars... and everything else continued to move through space and
time. The reports about transits explain where are the cosmic influences
right now, or anytime else for that matter.
art od astrological divination is based on hard astronomical
fact, we know exactly where the planets are, where they have been
and where they will be for hundreds and -- in some cases for --
thousands years back and into the future. So we combine the natal,
progressed or solar chart with the transits and see how the new
physical positions of the real, existing astronomical bodies MAY
influence you. Notice the emphasis on MAY: nothing in the
future is cast in stone, and by obtaining the map of future energies,
you will be able to INFLUENCE the course of events to a certain
you ask "will I pass an exam", the astrologer looks at your natal
chart, sees there what planets and houses explain the notion of
"exam", and then glances at the transits: by combining the energy
"weights" of all patterns, he or she will be able to tell you what
are your chances of passing an exam, whether the transits form "evil"
aspects, and if so, what "good" aspects to use to neutralize them.
In essence, astrologer heals you by rectifying and aligning your
patterns of behaviour with your natal "axioms" and current "aberations"
due to transits.
Astrology Reports and Energy Healing
It is quite possible to make an astrology
report on energy healing methods from the natal and other charts.
For instance:
a strong third house will enable healing with Reiki and/or Su Jok,
a strong sixth house (especially in earth signs) will point to the
food as the remedy,
strong twelfth house or Pisces will lead to energy healing,
water signs lead to herbal teas etc.
configurations from an astrology report can point to the right selection
of remedies. For instance, if you have Sun in Aries, attacked by
Saturn from, say, Capricorn, you are bound to have problems with
bones (Saturn) in the head (Aries), or upper (Aries) teeth (Saturn),
or various kinds of depression (Saturn square Sun), or melancholy
(Saturn square Sun) etc. Any remedy that will help you with your
ailement will then also be a manifestation of Aries Sun squared
by Capricorn Saturn.
Reaching the Simillimum
It is even possible to discover the simillimum
-- the remedy that for the most part describes your entire state --
by combining influences in the natal chart. It is very important to
find one's simillimum, as that is the best remedy under the circumstances.
If we find it through the natal chart, it then becomes a constitutional
remedy, which in homeopathy can make miracles happen even in the worst
of situations.
instance if you have Mars in Libra, you will have inflammation of
the kidneys or, reciprocaly with Aries, inflammation of the eyes.
But, if you have the Moon, say, in Virgo, you must add various problems
with pancreas, liver and gall-bladder, due to lack (if in malefic
aspects) or increase (if in "good" aspects) of natural fluids in
those organs. So, ideally, you need a remedy that heals inflammations
of kidneys, eyes, and/or liver... It is difficult to find such remedies,
but an astrology report can still pinpoint the way towards the best
remedy in each particular case.
But it gets even better: the astrologer can tell when one remedy
or method of healing will be active and useful, and when it will
stop being so! The remedy or method that worked while Saturn opposed
your natal Capricorn Sun in 2003, 2004, and 2005 (producing depression
and generally lowering immunity) may not be useful at all when Saturn
moves to Leo (2005 to 2007) and you suddenly develop varicose veins
in legs because Saturn then opposes your, say, natal Venus (veins)
in Aquarius (legs bellow the knees).
astrology report like this would be best used in conjunction with
a reading from a live astrologer.
Astrology Report for Flower Remedies
Flower remedies are an excellent addition
to every astrologer's arsenal for helping the people in need. The
proper situation to use them is when the client is suffering under
malefic transits of slow planets (Saturn, Uran, Neptune, Pluto) but
there are still no physical symptoms shown in a standard computerised
astrology report.
say your Sun were in Cancer; the transit of Saturn through Cancer
from June 2003 to July 2005 made you really slow and depressive.
Nothing to call your doctor about, and yet there is this feeling
of undermined self-worth and constant sinking... An ideal situation
for flower remedies such as Gorse, Gentian, Mustard and several
she is divorced with one child and in love relationship with a man
also divorced, also with a child, for some 18 years. Then Saturn
stays for a year over Venus in their composite chart... the love
is no more and relatinship breaks apart. It took only three days
of taking a proper combination of Bach flower remedies to stop her
feeling of loss -- she came back to her own senses, after having
a feeling of being beaten in the dark tunnel for two years in a
a woman who stands to lose an excellent job because her relationship
with a man she thought he loved her ended, after lasting for three
years... Well, she got up to her feet after the break of the relationship
and she managed to change herself so that a new job would put her
in a much better position than before.
Astrology Report vs. Astrology Reading -- What's the Difference?
There's a world of difference between a computer
generated astrology report and a true reading with a live astrologer.
For instance, here are the instructions how to get a static astrology
report on
flower essences and gem elixirs based on your natal chart.
Further instructions: scroll down a bit and on the left side click
on Alternative.
You'll be transferred to the next page, scroll there down a bit as
well, then click on the Flower
Essence Gem Report. You will be able to read the entire
demo astrology report.
this can be really useful as a general guidance, say, if there is
an addition to your family and you want to see what remedies to
have in store, but is not practical for clients who just want to
get their problem solved and finally turn to astrology because nobody
else could offer any kind of help.
there, you will also be able to browse through other astroreports
that they have... and they have it all! If, however, you need an
astrology reading to see when your life will improve, as well as
to "help" your destiny unfold in that better direction through flower
essencies therapy, contact me here.
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