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Astrohomeopathy Case Of Uterine Fibroids

In spring 2001 this woman had long and heavy bleedings. She went to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with:

. heavy metrorrhagia (profuse bleeding),

. heavy anaemia, and a

. fibroid 2x4 cm on the rear wall of the uterus.

She was released from the hospital without any intervention or therapy for the acutely bleeding uterine fibroids! In this situation, she remembered homeopathy, due to Mercury in Pisces and Venus in Aries in the solar chart. (The signs of Pisces and Aries are very imporant for homeopathy, because its founder, Samuel Hanneman, had three planets in Pisces and another three planets in Aries; Kent also had six planets in these signs.) So she was prescribed a routine mixture of homeopathic remedies for uterine fibroids. All the problems, including the fibroid itself, disappeared within the first month of treatment, without any surgery.

The Natal Chart

This woman is born on 6th of February 1955, 8:15am, 44:48N, 20:30E.

Here are the important facts from the chart:

The Sun is on 15 Aquarius, the Moon on 6 Leo, and the Ascendant is 20 Pisces.

Mars sextile the Sun together with Jupiter, Uranus and the Moon in the fifth house, made her spend her youth playing tennis.

There is a striking great watery trine, the Ascendent on 20 Pisces, Saturn in the VIII house on 20 Scorpio, then Jupiter on 22 and Uranus on 24 Cancer.

Saturn in Scorpio in the VIII house will give diseases of reproductive organs throughout life. Pluto rules the VIII house and is in the VI house, opposite to retrograde Mercury on 29 Aquarius, where Mercury is a co-ruler or second ruler of the VI house.

Mercury and the Sun are in the XII house... all the three houses of diseases are connected through aspects of the planets, so in one point in life this has to materialize as an illness.

Additionaly, Saturn squares Pluto (his ruler) and is inconjunct Mars (another ruler of Saturn, through Scorpio). Fortunately, Saturn is a part of the aforementioned great watery trine, which will facilitate easy regeneration from the diseases of the VIII house in Scorpio.

Hard aspects of Saturn, in Scorpio and in the VIII house, are a predisposition for a bladder stone.

Saturn square the Sun is an operation as well as a chronic rheumatism.

The Moon in the V house in hard aspects and on a malefic fixes star is a precondition for premature abortions of a pregnancy.

A full V house with hard aspects of Saturn and Uranus to the rulers of the VI and VIII houses, guarantees the presence of venereal diseases or some other disorders of the genital system.

The Moon is on the fixed star North Aselus, which can lead to blindness or other problems with sight, when the transits come.

The Solar Return Chart and Transits for 2001

Let's have a look at the solar return chart for 2001.

The Ascendant is on 23 Gemini, the VI house is from 10 Scorpio to 23 Sagittarius, with both of its rulers in it -- Mars on 25 Scorpio and Pluto na 14 Sagittarius.

Mars is in exact opposition to Saturn on 24 Taurus, the Sun is on 16 Aquarius and Uranus is on 20 Aquarius. From there, Uranus precisely squares the natal Saturn on 20 Scorpio. This chart contains similar energies, the Sun and Uranus are the focal points of a fixed T-square, with Saturn opposed to Mars as a base. This year, some illness will strike for sure, but it will not be fatal.

The VIII house is empty, while Pluto from the VI house is in exact sextile to Uranus and Sun, serving as an energy outlet for that T-square.

Mars in Scorpio in the VI house is an acute illness of the genitals (bleeding and inflammation), Saturn in the XII house is going to a hospital, Jupiter conjunct Saturn is a tumor and we only need see which part of the body to focus on.

The Moon on 6 Leo is in exact inconjunction with Neptune on 6 Aquarius, and we note that the 6th degree is similar to the VI house and the VI sign, therefore, the illness will be visible on part of the body ruled by the Moon exactly -- the uterus itself.

Venus square Mars gives congestion -- surplus blood being stored in the walls of the uterus.

Progression for 2001

The progression for year 2001 is similar to the solar return chart as the Ascendent is on 4 Gemini.

The VI house is in Libra and Scorpio, the VIII house is empty, and in the XII house Mars is on 18 Taurus opposed to Saturn from the VI, on 20 Scorpio. In the solar chart we see an identical opposition between those houses, except that Saturn is in Taurus and Mars is in Scorpio!

The other important element is opposition of Venus to Pluto, which is making "a state within a state", i.e. tumors and growths. Venus on 22 Aquarius and Pluton on 24 Leo are not only in opposition but are a part of grand cross with Mars and Saturn. It is a trend shaping for some ten or so years and has to materialize as a chronic (Saturn), long (fixed signs) illness of genital organs (Scorpio active, as well as its rulers), tumor (Venus opposed to Pluto), which must be resolved through amputation (Mars square Pluto) of the diseased tissues. The only difference is that here the uterine fibroids were amputated in a non-surgical manner.

Astrohomeopathical Diagnosis and Cures

In the natal chart, the following remedies are prominent:

Arsenicum Album, Nux Vomica, Tubercullinum, Ignatia, Thuja, Strammonium, Naja Tripudians, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, and Calcarea Carbonica.

In progression, the remedies are:

Natrium Muriaticum, Latrodectus Mactans, Stramonium, Thuja, Platinum Metallicum, Syphillinum, Kalmia Latifolia, Lachesis.

In solar return chart, the remedies are:

Nux Vomica, Natrium Muriaticum, Aurum Metallicum, Tubercullinum, Strammonium, Silicea, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Syphillinum, Conium, Kalmia Latifolia, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Lachesis.

All this lead to an efficient healing with a mixture of homeopathic remedies, please see the page on homeopathic treatment for uterine fibroids.

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